EpsilonWriter Creator Version 2.7 – User Manual

January 29, 2016


Search in this manual by using the summary or the search  function of the browser (Ctrl+F key)





Example of flexible input of formulas

The popup

Entering operators

Text and math  

Change operator

Undo, redo



The basics on mathematical formulas

Operator overview

Basic operators


Subscripts and exponents


Lists, tuples, sets and intervals





Systems, matrices, tables, sums, integrals, etc.



Matrices and determinants

Mathematical tables

Sums, integrals and other "big operators"

Tables, images and links




Selecting, cut, copy, paste, drag & drop


Copie for Word

Special copy

Pasting text and Wikipedia

Pasting an image

Concatenate two tables  

Search and replace

Traditional Search and replace

Search and replace with template, rewriting


Exact calculations

Dynamic algebra

Other calculations

Files, export, Latex, printing



Export to PDF  

Export to HTML  

Export to XHTML with MathML

Printing EpsilonWriter documents

Importing Latex files


Send as an attached file

Send directly  

Send in EPLW pasting in email

Settings and parameters

The custom dynamic algebra

Associating parameters to a document

Parameters in Resources and Tests


Delete unnecessary brackets

Splitting a formula

Fonts and rendering



Vertical bars  



Resources: creation

The input boxes

The input boxes for formulas

Open answers

Answers for equalities to be completed  

Answers for multiple forms  

Multiple choices

Single choice in a list


+ and - buttons

Saving as a Resource or as a Test

Testing a resource or a test


In the resource mode

In the test mode

The web explorer


Browsing a workspace  

Workspace and location

Browsing without connection  




EpsilonWriter Creator is software for:  

Creating documents,

Making calculations with dynamic algebra tools,  

Creating resources and tests, choosing usable calculation tools,

Using resources and passing tests,

Correcting tests,  

Publishing resources on Websites,

Export for Word and OpenOffice,

Import Latex files,

Creating TQuiz: see the TQuiz manual

Creating Aplusix file: see the Aplusix manual  


EpsilonWriter Creator is Java software for Windows, MacOS and Linux.



Example of flexible input of formulas


Check the "Math auto" box of the "Home" panel and type the characters 3x2-4x/x+1

When 3 is entered, EpsilonWriter moves to math (red cursor and red frame)

When 2 is typed, EpsilonWriter offers first to put it as exponent, let it

When / is typed, EpsilonWriter offers several fractions, let choose the numerator 3x^2-4x

At the end, we got (3x^2-4x)/(x+1) by a very simple input and could make other choices with the popup if it is not what we wanted.



The popup


For certain actions, EpsilonWriter suggests several results in the popup menu which works as described below.  This behavior depends on options (Settings menu):

By default, the "Right", "Left", "Up", "Down", "Home", "End" keys allow navigating  the popup; with the "Popup moves with Shift+Ctrl+arrows", it is necessary to type "Shift+Ctrl" simultaneously, otherwise the popup is exited and the cursor motion is performed instead.

The "Esc" key goes back to the initial choice and exits the popup.

The "Return" key exits the popup while applying the current choice.

Other keys exit the popup, applying the current choice (or going back to the initial position, depending of the options), and are applied as ordinary keyboard input.

The popup can also be navigated by hovering over the options with the mouse.

A mouse click in the popup applies the current choice and exits the popup.

A mouse click outside the popup applies the current choice (or goes back to the initial position, depending of the options), and exits the popup.


The popup choices are generally red for math and blue for text, but they are green in dynamic algebra when there is equivalence and white in a few situations.

There is sometimes a choice which means "do nothing".  



Entering operators


Most of the operators can be input by typing their name also called "commands". There are two sorts of commands;

- "full word" commands where the word can be international, like "sin", or in the local language, like "or",

- Latex commands with completion; words begin by "\" and continue with letters. When 2 or 3 letters are typed, the operators whose names start with these letters are suggested in the popup.  


Certain operators can be entered by typing symbols like: "+"   "/"   "["   "{".


The "Help | Operators and commands" displays a table of the operators and their commands.



Text and math  


The insertion cursor is bleu in text and red in math (and the formula is framed in red).

In formulas, missing arguments are represented as question marks, e.g., √  


It is possible to move to math with the F2 and Shift+Ctrl+M keys, and with the √x button.

It is possible to move to text with the F2 and Shift+Ctrl+T keys, and with the "ab" button.


EpsilonWriter moves automatically from text to math in certain situations according to the "Math auto: Light/Medium/Strong" options of the setting menu. See the "Help for Math auto" in the setting menu. It moves automatically from math to text in a few situations, see example below.


For example, with the "Math auto: Strong" option:  

If you type: Peter has 2/3 of the age of Paul   you get:   Peter has  2/3 of the age of Paul  

If you type: 1) My subtitle   you get temporarily: 1)  which is math with an unbalanced bracket  then: 1) which is text


When you do not get what you want, think of moving to math or to text with keys or buttons and of commands undo (Ctrl+Z) and redo (Ctrl+Y).


When the cursor is in a formula, typing “space” exits from the formula.

Another way for exiting a formula is Ctrl+right-arrow which moves the cursor to the next word.

When the cursor is in a formula, typing “Return” exits from the formula and produces a line break.

There in an exception for simultaneous equations where "Return" adds a line.


There is always a space or a line break between a word and a formula. If the space between text and math is deleted, the union of the two parts is proposed as text and as a formula in the popup.



Change operator


Some operators can be changed. To change an operator, you must select the operator, e.g., imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image7.png or select the expression of this operator, e.g., imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image8.png then do a Shift+Ctrl+Click or use the menu "Edit | change operator". Where possible, proposals are made with the popup. This also works for tables, mathematical tables and matrices.  



Undo, redo


It is possible to undo with Ctrl+Z and the corresponding button. It undoes the interpretation of the last action if any, then undoes the last action, then all previous actions in reverse order. It is also possible to redo with Ctrl+Y and the corresponding button.

Undo and redo can be performed up to 100 times.





EpsilonWriter uses a specific format for recording the data in files. The extension is .eplw

Besides eplw files, EpsilonWriter can read:

- Latex files (.tex extension), taking into account most of the Latex commands,

- Text files (.txt extension), and other text-based files like html (use the "All files" item in the open window). For these files, when the encoding is not indicated, you have to choose between occidental and UTF-8 encoding (if you don't know, you can try both successively). For these files, you have to choose to apply formatting to formulas are not. Opening a file without formatting allows selecting one by one the parts to convert to formulas. For files opened with formatting, think of the "Split" item of the "Edit" menu when split is needed.





Save your work every five minutes on the local computer in order to avoid losing it. Select "Save as" in the file menu for a new document, or "save" or Ctrl+S for a previously saved document. This is particularly important with the applet as a page refresh loses the content. An * after the file name at the top of the window indicates that the current document has been modified since the last save.




The basics on mathematical formulas


A mathematical formula is an atomic element (variable or number) or is an operator applied to elements which are mathematical formulas.



Operator overview


Math operators can be obtained by typing a command or by clicking on a button. This often produces a popup which proposed several choices.

The "Help | Operators and commands" displays a table of the operators and their commands.


In formulas, missing arguments of operators are represented as “?”. So, when one type “=” in a blank area, one gets:   =  

It is possible to transform "?" into a small spaces (and inversely) with the menu "Edit | Hide/Show question marks".


In formulas, Latin letters which do not constitute an operator name and Greek letters are treated as variables (in a general meaning including indeterminates and parameters) except π which is treated as a constant.

Operators made of letters are displayed in normal style, lowercase variables are in italic style, uppercase variables are in normal style. So, in sin(x+π) one has the sine operator while in sin(x+π) one has the product of "s", "i", "n" and (x+π)


EpsilonWriter shows the structure of the expressions. When hovering over an operator with the mouse, it is framed in red and its arguments are framed in blue.



Basic operators


"+" has two arguments or more; a+b+c is a sum of 3 arguments; it can also be prefixed as in +5 or on its own as in ℝ^+

"-" has one argument (unary operator); a-b is treated as the sum of a and -b ;  it can also be on its own as in ℝ^-


There are several forms of products: implicit, with a cross, with a dot and with a hat (for vector product). Several forms can be combined, e.g.,  2*3xy·z   2* vect(u)∧ vect(v)


There are several forms for "divide": a/b   a/b  a÷b   a:b  obtained by typing "/" or ":" then selecting from the popup if necessary.  


Functions (sin, log, arcsin, etc.) can be written with the argument in brackets or not.

In the formula sin(2x)+π , the argument of "sin" is 2x

There is an exception to the product priority when there are other functions, so sin(a) cos(b) is the product of sin(a) and cos(b) as commonly understood in mathematical notation.


These notions of priority are not important when one just wants to produce documents to read. They become important when one makes calculations or interpret answers to questions.

For example, asking for approximate calculations, one gets:







Brackets have their usual meaning and can be written one at a time at any place. When a bracket is unbalanced, it appears in red.


Brackets are the only surrounding sign which can be inserted one at a time to allow more flexibility in modifying the mathematical structure of an expression. The other surrounding signs ("absolute value", "interval", "set", etc.) can only be inserted and removed both at a time.


The size of brackets automatically increases with the size of its argument.


When a bracket is deleted, the popup gives the option to delete its balancing counterpart as well.



Subscripts and exponents


Subscripts are obtained using the commands “_” and “sub”. Exponents (or superscripts) are obtained using commands “^” and “pow”. Examples:

Examples: x_i  y^n  x_i^3

The x_i^3 formula is obtained as follows:

- either by typing first x_i which produces x_i , the right-arrow to move the cursor, then ^3

- or by typing first   x^3 which produces x^3 , the right-arrow to move the cursor, then   _i


It is possible to have subscripts and superscripts on certain operators, e.g.:

cos ^2 (x)    log _a (b)    log _2 ^3 (x)





A root is obtained by typing "root" or by clicking on a button. The popup proposes a square root and a higher order root: √ ^


When it is not done at the beginning, it is possible to add an order to √a by placing the cursor in front of a and by typing "^" or by doing a "Change the operator".


In order to put a root over an existing expression, select the expression then click on the "root" button.


The root sign in √a can be deleted by placing the cursor in front of (or behind) the V of the root sign and typing Del (or Backspace).

The 3 of √ ^3 a can be deleted with Del or Backspace.




Lists, tuples, sets and intervals





Lists are combinations of expressions with the "," or ";" operator, e.g.:

1,x,x^2, ... ,x^n



"," and ";" are true operators as one can see by flying over them with the mouse.

"," has higher priority than";". So,   a;b,c;d    is a list of 3 elements, the second element being the list  b,c


Please, note that when the decimal separator is a "," (as in France, Italy and some other countries), "," has two meanings and that the user has to choose the correct one. Hitting "," after a produces  a,   (a list)  and  a*,  (product of a and a decimal number which digits have to be typed) in the popup.  Hitting  "," after  1  produces   1,?   (a decimal number) and 1,  (a list) in the popup.


It is possible to change a list with "," into a list with ";" (and conversely) by selecting the "," by doing a "Change the operator".





A tuple is a list in brackets, e.g.:







A set is a list in curly brackets, e.g.:

{1;2;4;8}       {a,b}





An interval is a list of two elements surrounded by square brackets, e.g.:

]-∞;0[     ]-1;1]     [0;π]




Systems, matrices, tables, sums, integrals, etc.





A system is represented with a "{", e.g.:

x+2y=0 et y=x/2+1


Use "enter" to add a line to the system.


To transform 2x+1=0 et x=5 into 2x+1=0 et x=5 , make a "Change the operator".




Binomials are represented in brackets. Use the "(" key, e.g., |(n)(k)|



Matrices and determinants


Matrices are represented between "(" or "[" or "{" and determinants between "|", e.g.:  

|(100)(010)(001)|      |(100)(010)(001)|      |(100)(010)(001)|      |(100)(010)(001)|


Use the "Table" menu to insert a matrix, and to add or remove lines or columns.


A matrix can be transformed into another sort of matrix, a determinant or a mathematical table. To do so, perform a "Change the operator" or place the cursor in the matrix and use the "Table | Change the form."  



Mathematical tables


Mathematical tables contain formulas and are possible arguments of formulas. The content of the cells is horizontally and vertically centered.

There is also a general table, called "table" which is described below. General tables allow writing text and formulas in the cells.


There are five ways to display a table as illustrated below:

1 2 3 4
   x y   
√2       √3


1 2 3 4
   x y   
√2       √3


1 2 3 4
   x y   
√2       √3


1 2 3 4
   x y   
√2       √3


1 2 3 4
   x y   
√2       √3

The 5 ways to display a table: (1) all lines and columns have borders, (2) only the first two columns have borders, (3) only the first column has borders, (4)   none of the columns have borders (5) with no border.


Use  the "Table" menu to insert a mathematical table, and to add or remove lines or columns.


"?" can be changed into white cells (and conversely) with the menu "Edit | Hide/show questions marks".


It is possible to place a short text in a cell by transforming it into text with F2 or the "ab" button.


The form of a mathematical table can be changed with a "Change the operator". A mathematical table can also be transformed into a matrix or a determinant in this way.


Example of a complex mathematical table:


x -∞       -1       0       1       +∞
f'(x)=(-2x)/(x^2-1)^2    +       + 0 -       -   
f(x)=x^2/(x^2-1) 1 +∞ -∞ 0 -∞ +∞ 1

In this table there are white cells, double bars, big ascending and descending arrows.


It is possible to insert a mathematical table into the cell of a mathematical table.


It is suggested to use mathematical tables instead of (general) tables:

- when there are only formulas to write in the cells (or very little text).

- when they are included in a formula as in:



It is possible to transform a mathematical table into a (general) table without losing information (menu "Table").



Sums, integrals and other "big operators"


"Big operators" are operators looking like  ∑ _k=0 ^n k  with a possible subscript and superscript.  

Subscripts and superscripts can be deleted with Del and Backspace.

A subscript can be obtained in ∑ x_i by placing the cursor before x and hitting "_ ". A superscript can be obtained by placing the cursor before x and hitting "^".  

You can also perform a "Change the operator".  


The other big operators having a similar behavior are integrals e.g.: ∫ _-2 ^2 x^2 d(x) and ∬ f(x,y) d(x) d(y)  products ∏ coproducts ∐ unions ⋃ _i P_i  intersections ⋂ _i P_i "logical and" ⋀ _i q_i and  "logical or" ⋁ _i q_i




Tables, images and links





Tables are analogous to mathematical tables at the structure level, but the cells contain paragraphs which can include text, formulas, images, etc. The default alignment of paragraphs is left. They can be centered by the user.


Use the "Table" menu to insert a mathematical table, and to add or remove lines or columns, or duplicate a line.  

It is possible to adjust the width of a column by dragging its right edge. This works even for hidden edges.  

It is possible to change the form of a table by placing the cursor in the table and using the menu "Table | Change the form."


Differences between tables and mathematical tables:



Mathematical table

Content of a cell  


a formula

Horizontal alignment  

left or centered


Vertical alignment  



The width of a column can be changed  



Can include images




Example of table:

Cell containing text and formulas  

Centered cell containing a mathematical table

Cell containing an image

Count all the expressions matching 2x^n for any x and n can be done with the search panel and the expression 2 matchVar x^ matchVar n  

x 2x x/2 x^2 √x
16 32 8 256 4

imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image60.png


It is possible to transform a table into a mathematical table with the "Table" menu. In each cell, the first item is kept (and transformed into math if it is not math), the other items are lost.  


At the present time, it is not possible to select columns.  





Images can be inserted into the document with the menu "File / Import an image".

It is also possible to paste images copied from other applications. The supported formats include png, jpeg, gif, bmp.


Images are treated as mathematical objects. So, it is possible to put them in formulas and mathematical tables, e.g.:

image image106+image image106=2image image106

It is possible to perform search and replace on images.


The contents of images are saved in the eplw file (unlike HTML).  





A link to a webpage can be inserted with the "Link" menu, either at a cursor position or on a selection.

After the link is inserted, click on it in order to enter or edit the text which is displayed and the webpage URL.

Links can be tested with Ctrl+Click which will open a browser window pointing to the URL in the link.




Selecting, cut, copy, paste, drag & drop





Selection in formulas is structured: only sub-expressions can be selected (for example, it is not possible to select x+3 in 4x+3y ).

In order to select an area which is not a sub-expression, it is necessary to make it a sub-expression by inserting brackets or "," or ";".


It is possible to cut, copy, paste and drag & drop. Paste and drop does not work for text inside math.


Cut, copy and paste use the system clipboard. It is then possible to copy text in an application and to paste it in EpsilonWriter.


Paste in math on a selected expression works as a substitution; brackets may be inserted automatically. For example, if x+3 is pasted in 3yz when y is selected, one gets 3(x+3)z .


Paste on a cursor position in math often produces several propositions in the popup corresponding to different operator used to combine the pasted object.



Copie for Word

General copy for Word no longer exists (Java limitation on HTML copies).

However, you can copy a formula for Word, see below.

To transfer the document in Word, you must export it to HTML and then open the HTML file in Word.



Special copy


Copy as an image

It is possible to copy a selected portion as an image. For this, use the menu "Edit | Special copy" or click on the "Copy as an image" button from the "Home" panel.


Copy a formula in MathML

It is possible to copy a selected formula or formula containing the cursor in MathML. For this, use the menu "Edit | Special copy".


Copy a formula for Word

It is possible to copy a selected formula or formula containing the cursor for Word in order to get an editable formula. For this, use the menu "Edit | Special copy" or click on the "Copy a formula for Word" button from the "Home" panel.

This copy uses the MathML format. The resulting code differs from Copy a formula in MathML only by the encoding of space.


Copy in Eplw source  

It is possible to copy a selected portion in Eplw source (the EpsilonWriter format). For this, use the menu "Edit | Special copy". One can then paste into another application. It is mainly for Developers.


Copy in Html source with formulas on the server  

It is possible to copy a selected portion in Html source, the images of the formulas being stored on the server. This is useful when a web page editor that accepts HTML source is used. For this, use the menu "Edit | Special copy".


Copy as resource or as test  

It is possible to copy as "resource" or as "test" using the "Edit | Special copy" menu (this copies the selection or all if nothing is selected). Then, it is possible to paste in another EpsilonWriter tab where the mode is set to resource or test. This is a simple action which allows trying the resources when they are written.



Pasting text and Wikipedia


Text coming from any application can be pasted in EpsilonWriter. By default, a formatting for math is applied: Parts of text which are Latex, even if $ is missing, or which look like formulas are converted to formulas. This is particularly interesting for pasting parts of Wikipedia pages as formulas displayed as images in Wikipedia are put in Latex representation in the clipboard.  


It is possible to paste without formatting with the "Edit" menu and with Shift+Ctrl+V.  Pasting without formatting allows selecting one by one the parts to convert to formulas. When pasting with formatting, think of the "Split" item of the "Edit" menu when split is needed.



Pasting an image


It is possible to paste an image which has been copied from another application.



Concatenate two tables  


It is possible to:

Copy a table T2, or part of a table, then place the cursor on the line that is just after a table T1 (T1 must be at the beginning of the line) and paste. One obtains a single table that gathers T1 and T2. The two tables do not need to have the same number of columns.




Search and replace



Traditional Search and replace


The Search panel appears when "Edit | Search" is chosen or Ctrl+F is typed.

If a small part of the document was selected, it is copied in the "Find" field.  


It is possible to do cut, copy and paste using keys Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V in the "Find" and "Replace by" fields.  


The "Find" field can contain one or several items (an item being a part of text without space, or a formula) on one or several lines. Items on several lines are treated as if they were on the same line. When there are several items, the search is performed with whole words and formulas. When there is only one item, the way the search is performed depends on the options ticked in the checkboxes.


Parameters allow specifying the search. In formulas, the search always respects the case and the accents.



Search and replace with template, rewriting


It is possible to use "template variables" which are also called "match variables" in the "Find" area. A "match variable" is a lowercase circled letter like matchVar u which is obtained using the matchVar x button of the "Operators" panel or by typing "var" on the keyboard. These variables will match with any mathematical formula. If matchVar u^2 is searched in 3y^2/2 it is found with y matching with matchVar u

During the matching process, brackets are ignored (but the structure is respected). So, matchVar x matchVar y is found in 2+5(a^2+1) with 5 matching with matchVar x and a^2+1 matching with matchVar y

During the matching process, the three representations of "times" (cross, point or nothing) are considered equivalent.  


If a matching variable is written several times in the "Find" part, it will correspond to the same formulas in the solutions of the search.


The result of a search with matching variables which succeeds is composed of a formula and a substitution (association between matching variables and formulas). During the replacement, the found formula is replace by the formula of the "Replace by" field on which the substitution is applied.  


When there is a selection, "Count" and "Replace all" apply to the selection. Otherwise, they apply to the entire document.  





EpsilonWriter allows making exact and approached calculations by commands and dynamic algebra calculations with the mouse.

The "Calculation" panel allows doing calculations and setting the calculation parameters.


Calculations can be made on the real or complex numbers. The first button of the "Calculation" panel indicates the field of numbers, e.g. imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image71.png . Change the field by clicking on this button. The entire document works in this field. A document of another tab can have a different field. When the field is ℂ , i is a number verifying i^2=-1 When the field is ℝ , i is a variable.  



Exact calculations


To make an exact calculation, select an expression or sub-expression, then click on the imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image75.png button or make a Ctrl-click on the selection or use the "Calculation" menu.

If "Duplicate the calculations" is checked, the result is displayed below. If it is not checked, it replaces the expression to calculate.

The choice list "Duplicate ..." of the Calculation panel indicates whether the calculation result should be displayed beside or below the expression to calculate.  

The choice of the field of the calculation command (Integer, Decimal, Rational, Reals Complexes 1, Reals Complexes 2) is done with the "Calculation" panel.

"Reals Complexes 1" means doing simple calculations on radicals and i .

"Reals Complexes 2" means doing simple calculations on radicals and i and use the conjugated term to transform 1/(1+√2) into -1+√2  and 1/(2+3i) into 2/13-3i/13


The explanation list of choices allows explaining or not the calculations.



Dynamic algebra


To perform dynamic algebra calculations, you have to choose a level of dynamic algebra in the "Calculation" panel.


It is possible to perform a calculation drag and drop by selecting a sub-expression and dragging in the expression. For example, one selects 2 in x-2=4 and performs a drag and drop to the right of =


To perform click-calculation, choose a click-calculation level on the "Calculation" panel:  

- Not: no click-calculation,

- Without tooltip: no tooltip for indicating the possibilities, but a Ctrl+Click on an operator or a selected expression can be done,

- Tooltip on selection: a tooltip for indicating the calculation possibilities appears when an expression is selected if any,

- Tooltip when flying over: in addition, a tooltip for indicating the calculation possibilities appears when one flies over an operator if any.


It is possible to do click-calculation by performing a Ctrl+Click on an operator or a previously selected sub-expression.  

The calculation by click includes numerical computation, expand and simplify, linear equations solving, production schemes for solving equations of degree 2 and 3, the definition conditions of rational functions, the passage of certain logical conditions to solution sets, the computing of limits, the passage of factored rational fractions into sign tables, the calculation of derivatives, the passage of a form f'(x)=y , where y is a factored rational fraction to a variation table.


For more information on dynamic algebra, see the user manual on dynamic algebra:



The "Table | Table of values of functions" menu allows you to build colorful paintings function values as the EpsiVal application does.


For more information on tables of values, see the EpsiVal user manual:




Other calculations


The imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image82.png button allows performing approximate calculations.

The  imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image83.png buttons can convert decimals into fractions and fractions into decimals.

The  imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image84.png button allows duplicating the expression; it is very useful when you do not duplicate the expression automatically for each calculation.




Files, export, Latex, printing





Metadata can be associated with documents. They are properties which can be entered and edited with the imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image85.png button of the home panel and with the menu "Edit |Edit metadata". This action shows the table of metadata and lets you edit the cells in the "Value" column.  


Metadata are useful when publishing on EpsilonWriter websites like http://epsilon-publi.net


The "Title", "Authors", "License", "Origin", "Information" and "Keywords" properties can be inserted at the top of the document with the menu "Edit | Insert title, authors, license and origin".  





The EpsilonWriter applet lets you save documents to the local computer just as the application. The file extension is ".eplw" and the files are in a specific format.


Saving documents on the computer is the safest method of keeping them.


When a document is stored in a different way,  e.g. on the web server of the EpsilonWriter.com site, it is important to save it locally as well.


Save your documents every five minutes


In the current version, the applet loses all its content on a browser page refresh. Therefore it is important to save the documents often. The application does not have a refresh problem, however it is a good idea to save the documents often.  



Export to PDF  


The PDF export is done using a pdf printer. This is software that is used as a printer but records a PDF file instead of printing. Such software is available for Mac and Linux as standard. For Windows you can install the free PDFCreator software.



Export to HTML  


The Save in HTML command of the file menu produces an  HTML file which can be displayed by browsers and Word 2007/2010.


For browsers, formulas are saved as images. Images representing formulas are placed in the text with a preservation of the baseline. When the file is named xxx.html, a folder with name _xxx.html is created to store the images.

This HTML file can be placed on a web site, with the folder containing the images in the same directory.


For Word, formulas are stored in Word's msEquation format.   When an html file having the format msEquation format is opened with Word, formulas look as good as native Word formulas and can be modified with Word's own equation editor.

To open an html file with Word, use the "Open" menu of Word or right click on the file.


A parameter panel is displayed when the command is launched, allowing:

- To choose to add or not a summary, The summary is made of the style "Title 1" and "Title 2" paragraphs and has links giving access to the sections. The summary and the links work both in browsers and in Word. They still work when the Word document is saved as a pdf file.

- To select the preferred font for the text.  The available options are "Calibri",   "Arial, Helvetica" and "Times New Roman, Times".

- To choose the display: only for the Web, only for Word or for both the Web and Word.  



Export to XHTML with MathML


The Save in XHTML with MathML command in the file menu produces an XHTML file in which formulas are encoded in MathML. These files can be read by some web browsers (Firefox, Opera, Amaya, Internet Explorer with the MathPlayer plugin - the plugin must be installed and its execution must be allowed). When the document includes images or questions, a folder is created where all the images will be saved.  If the file is named yyy.xhtml, the folder will be named yyyXHTML and will be created in the same directory as yyy.xhtml.

This XHTML file can be placed on a web site together with the folder containing the images.


The MathML representation produces better displayed formulas and requires less storage place.  


A parameter panel is displayed when the command is launched, allowing to choose to add or not a summary and to choose the preferred font.



Printing EpsilonWriter documents


EpsilonWriter documents can be printed on paper or as a pdf file (using a pdf printer) using the "File | Print" menu option.



Importing Latex files


Source Tex/Latex files can be imported into EpsilonWriter. However, there are latex commands which are not interpreted: in particular tables and images are not interpreted in the current version. This import function should be seen as a way to retrieve an important part of files but is not full "Latex to eplw function".  


The import is made when opening the file (open command). The file must begin with \documentclass.


Tables and figures are replaced with the words TABULAR and FIGURE written in red; formulas which produce an error are replaced with the word ERROR written in red. Unknown commands in formulas are ignored or written in red (depending on an option in the Setting menu). Unknown commands in text are silently ignored.






Send as an attached file


An eplw file created by epsilonwriter can be sent as an attached file. It may be interesting to send also a pdf file produced by "File | Print", using a pdf printer.



Send directly  


This allows you to send the document in a two parts message: a text part with formulas in linearized form, and a HTML part with formulas as images. Some mailers display the text part, others display the HTML part.


Panel setting is displayed when the "Send" is launched, it allows:

- To enter the addresses of the sender and receivers,

- To choose the preferred font for the text,

- To check or not the "Open with Word" option. If you check the "Open with Word" option, the receiver can save the message in the eml format, then open it with Word.

- Provide the title of the message.



Send in EPLW pasting in email


When you enter this item of the "Send" menu, a message is created in your mailer. You have to paste into the body of the message, edit the subject if necessary and specify recipients.

It needs to have a default mailer on the computer. It provides EPLW format that the receiver of the message must copy and paste into EpsilonWriter (the beginning of the message indicates how to do).  The receiver gets editable formulas.

This approach works with any mailer and can be used for resources.  



Settings and parameters


The terms "setting", "option" and "parameter" are synonyms with regard to the operation of EpsilonWriter. There are elements that specify the behavior of the software according to the wishes of the user. "Parameter" is generally used for items that relate to the calculation, and "option" for the other elements.


Editing options are on the "Home" panel.

The "Settings" menu contains in its lower part, two options on the functioning of popup menus.

Calculation parameters are on the "Calculation" panel.



The custom dynamic algebra


The calculations include a mode "Dynamic Algebra: Custom". When this mode is selected on the "Calculation" panel, EpsilonWriter shows the different mechanisms of dynamic algebra so that the user chooses those he/she wants to use. These choices are stored and can be changed by selecting again "Dynamic Algebra: Custom".


It is possible to "See the application parameters" with the "Settings" menu and also display a "Parameter table" which shows the values of these parameters for all modes of dynamic algebra.



Associating parameters to a document


It is possible to associate parameters to a document. To do this, use the imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image86.png button of the Home or Calculation, panel or the menu "Settings | Set document parameters."

EpsilonWriter shows a first list of parameters to choose their values. For some, it is possible to choose the "free" value which allows the user changing the value in the software interface. If "Dynamic Algebra: Custom" is selected, a second list of parameters of dynamic algebra is presented.


When parameters are associated with a document:

- They are saved with the document. Thus, they are found by opening the document.

- They can be viewed, edited, deleted the "Settings" menu.

- "Settings | View current parameters" shows the actual parameters: document parameters with replacement of "free" values by values chosen at the interface.

- You can save a copy of these parameters with the "Settings" menu.


It is also possible, with the "Settings" menu, to associate parameters to a document by taking them in a file, either a parameter file that has been specially recorded for this (as shown above) or a file with content and parameters.



Parameters in Resources and Tests


When parameters are associated with a document and that document is saved as a resource or as a test, the parameters are fixed. Only parameters that have the free value may be modified by students using the resource or test.







Delete unnecessary brackets


The menu "Edit | Delete unnecessary brackets" removes unneeded brackets in the formulas included in the selection. However, brackets surrounding an entire formula are kept and so are arguments of a product (so that f(x) which is represented as a product is not transformed into fx ).



Splitting a formula


The menu "Edit | Split formula" allows splitting a formula in two at the position of the cursor.



Fonts and rendering


For text,  EpsilonWriter uses the first font available on the computer from the following list:

Bodoni MT

Century Schoolbook



if they are all absent, it will use Java's Serif font.

Characters which cannot be displayed in the font selected are displayed in the Serif font of Java.


For formulas, EpsilonWriter uses Java's Serif font for letters and digits. This provides pretty letters a x y.

For other characters, it uses the Cambria Math font if available (otherwise Java's Serif font).  


On the screen, big characters and bold characters are displayed with antialiasing. Small characters which are not bold are displayed without antialiasing in order to avoid a fuzzy rendering. On the screen, formulas are displayed in bold.


On printers, as pixels are very small, the antialiasing is always used and formulas are not displayed in bold.  





EpsilonWriter contains some style elements which are accessible via the "Style" menu.

Bold, italic, font size changes can be applied to parts of texts.


The style of formulas is automatic. Letters in operators such as “sin” are roman; other letters are roman (uppercase) and italic (lowercase).

It is possible to change the font size and weight (but not italic) of a formula, but for the entire formula only.


Color of the text is black except for quote paragraphs and some elements of questions (scores, explanations, annotations).


Paragraphs can be aligned to the left or centered.


There are four predefined paragraph styles:

- Normal: roman, normal size, aligned to the left, F6 key

- Title: roman, big size, centered

- Header 1: roman, big size, aligned to the left, Ctrl+F6 key

- Header 2: roman, medium size, aligned to the left. Shift+Ctrl+F6 key





With the zoom menu one can adjust the level of magnification of the document.



Vertical bars  


A vertical bar can be obtained with the "bar" and "|" commands.

A double vertical bar can be obtained with the "dbar" and "|" commands.

In mathematical tables, the height of bars adjusts according to the height of the cells they are in.





The decimal separator is "." or "," depending of the language.


Switching languages changes the operators which are words of the language. For example, when switching from English to French, the formula:

x > 1.3 and p = true

is transformed into:

x > 1,3 et p = vrai  





Paragraphs can be quoted. Quoted paragraphs are displayed in a different color. There are 4 quotations levels and 4 colors.

- “Ctrl+K” increases the quotation level of the current paragraph or the selected paragraphs.

- “Shift+Ctrl+K” decreases the quotation level of the current paragraph or the selected paragraphs.




Resources: creation


All documents being written can be saved as a resource (File menu). In that case the content of the resource cannot be changed unless the specific parts that can be inserted with the "Resources" menu. Think to maintain a version of the document in write mode when producing  resources to be able to make changes later.



The input boxes


Insert input boxes where you want to enable the student to write a text or make calculations. You can write in these boxes, for example put an equation that the student must solve by performing calculations in the box.



The input boxes for formulas


Insert input boxes for formulas where you want to enable the student to type a formula and only a formula.



Open answers


An open answer accepts a formula. The author must provide:

- The expected answer,

- The score

- The comparison level:

1 for a direct comparison

2 for taking into account a generalized associativity

3 for taking into account commutativity as well

4 for taking into account neutral elements as well

5 for taking into account integer calculations with + - * ^  as well

6 for taking into account decimal calculations with + - * ^ as well

7 for taking into account rational calculations with + - * / ÷ : ^ as well

20 for a comparison by equivalence with same domain for rational fractions

21 for a comparison by the equivalence without domain constraint for rational fractions


For levels 20 and 21, the expression must be a polynomial of n variables, a rational fraction of one variable or an equation/inequation of one variable and degree less than 5 or a system of linear equations.  


- The case sensitivity (Title: XY=xy). When 1 is provided, X and x are treated as identical.

- The substitutable letters. If x is a substitutable letter, any free letter will be accepted in its place.

In order to have 012 accepted when the expected answer is 12, the comparison level must be 4 or more.

In order to have 1,20 accepted when the expected answer is 1,2 the comparison level must be 4 or more.


Several expected answers with the same criteria


It is possible to accept several expected answers with the same criteria in the "Expected answer" field. To do this, use the "Resource | Insert an "or" for expected answers" menu option. It draws a Meta "or" operator (a line and 4 dots) between expected answers.


Several expected answers with different criteria


To accept several expected answers with different criteria, it is necessary to add lines to the table containing expected answers. It is possible, for example, to have a first line with 4 as expected answer, a score of 3 and a level of comparison equal to 1, then a second line with 4 as expected answer, a score of 2 and a level of comparison equal to 7. In this case, a student answering 4 gets a score of 3 while a student answering 2+2 gets a score of 2.


When there are several lines, the score of the question is the maximum of the scores of the lines. The right answer which will be displayed to the student is the first answer having the maximum score. The student score is the maximum of the lines having an expected answer which matches the student's answer.


Sore = 0  


When the score is 0, no student score is calculated by EpsilonWriter.

In that case, the expected answer can be omitted.


Tutor sore only  


When a score ends with t, like 4t , this means that EpsilonWriter will not evaluate the student's answer and that only a tutor score will be given at correction   time.  

In that case, the expected answer can be omitted.  




The author may also provide an explanation in the frame where "explanation" is written. Explanations are displayed in the assessment mode of the resource.


A template in the answer area


The answer area for the student is accessible during the creation of the resource by clicking on the imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image88.png  button. One gets:  

imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image89.png

A template for the answer can then be entered to be completed by the student. For example:  

imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image90.png    imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image91.png



Answers for equalities to be completed  


"Answers for equalities to be completed" are used to ask the student to complete a formula, such /3=2 or 2(x+)=*x+6

The answer of the student is correct when the left-hand side is equivalent to the right-hand side and the model is respected by the answer. This means, for example that when ? has to be replaced by 1 , formula  1*x+6 is a good answer but x+6 is not because the model is not respected.

Question marks can be replaced by small frames [] or [] (the buttons are on the Generation panel) to have a better display. The question marks in the frames can be hidden with the delete key. So the above example can be replaced by: [ ]/3=2 or 2(x+[ ])=[ ]*x+6

This currently works for polynomials of n variables and any degree and for the rational fractions of one variable. For rational fractions, the definition domain is not considered.



Answers for multiple forms  

"Answers for multiple forms" allows asking to provide n different equivalent expressions of a given expression. For example, given x^8  formulas like x^6x^2 ; x^10/x^2 ; (x^4)^2 etc. are expected. The expression must be a polynomial of n variables, a rational fraction of one variable or an equation/inequation of one variable and degree less than 5 or a system of linear equations. The equivalence does not take into account the definition set of the expressions. Formulas provide lower scores when they have the same model.




Multiple choices


There are two forms of multiple choices: with two radio buttons and with checkboxes in front of each item. Checkboxes are more common. Radio buttons have the advantage of distinguishing an incorrect answer from a non-answer. Each form can be changed into the other (and to a single choice in a list) with the menu "Resource | Change the type of choice".


Multiple choices contain:  

- The text to be displayed

- The correct answer by checking or not the box or clicking on the clicking radio button

- Explanations to be displayed during the assessment phase

- The score, called "maximum score"

- The minimum score, usually 0, but it can be negative

- The coefficient for an incorrect answer (see explanation below)


An item can be added by placing the insertion point in the text or explanation area and using "Add item above" or "Add item below" of the "Resource" menu.


When a multiple choice has a maximum score equal to S, a coefficient for incorrect answer equal to K and has N questions, the calculation of the score is made as follows:

- For each unanswered question (radio button only), S/N points are subtracted,

- For each incorrectly answered question, K(S/N) points are subtracted.


Using a coefficient for incorrect answer equal to 2, people who answer randomly will generally have a score close to zero.

Using a higher coefficient strengthens the need of answering correctly.


Maximum score = 0  


When the maximum score is 0, no student score is calculated by EpsilonWriter.  



Single choice in a list


Single choices in a list have a unique radio button in front each item. These choices do not allow selecting several items.


A single choice in a list can be changed into a multiple choice with the menu "Resource | Change the type of choice".  


The coefficient for an incorrect answer is not used.





It is possible to insert a header to give a global score to the student. The author has to indicate the maximum score and the number of decimal digits of the global score.


The sum of the scores of the different questions is not required to be equal to the global score indicated in the header.



+ and - buttons


To preview the document as seen by the student, click the "-" button.

To go back to authoring mode, click the "+" button.



Saving as a Resource or as a Test


The "Save as resource" menu saves the document in the "resource" mode (file name ending by ".res.eplw"). The file can be opened later as a resource to write in the input boxes and answer questions. When you are in resource mode, you can save your work to continue it later. This is done with a file ending by ".myRes.eplw".  


The "Save as a test" menu appears when the document contains real questions (not just input boxes). This saves the document in the "test" mode (file name ending by ".test.eplw"). The file can be opened later to answer questions, in the "test" mode. During this recording, EpsilonWriter requests a correction password. It is optional. Enter one when you do not want the students access to result before a correction is made by the tutor.




Testing a resource or a test


It is important that authors test their resources, giving correct and incorrect answers, in order to verify:

- that there is no missing answer,

- that the correct answer is present,

- that the score corresponds to the author's wish.


In order to test a resource, choose "Edit | Copy as resource" or  "Edit | Copy as test" (you can select first a part of the document) then make a new document and paste.







In the resource mode


In the "resource" mode, students can enter the assessment of a question as soon as they have answered this question by clicking the " + " button. They get a score if the author requested a score, the expected answer and explanations if the author has written explanations.

They can click " - " and change their answer to the question.


The recording is done in a ".myRes.eplw" file that can be opened later to continue to work on the resource.



In the test mode


In the "test" mode, students cannot enter the evaluation of a question as soon as they have answered this question; there is no " + " button.


At the end of the test, or when they want to stop, they can choose the "Result | Result" menu to enter the "Result" mode.

They get an overall score if the author has put a header in the document, and the evaluation of each question.

If the test has a correction password, students cannot enter the evaluation, they must save their test and provide the file to their tutor.


"Save" is done in a ".endTest.eplw" file if the test has a correction password and in the mode ".result.eplw" if not.


The tutor holder of the correction password can load a ".endTest.eplw" file and enter the evaluation with "Result | Assessment" to put annotations in dedicated areas and write a "tutor score "for open answers. The file must be saved and be given to the student.




The web explorer


EpsilonWriter can also be used as an explorer for EpsilonWriter websites. An EpsilonWriter website is a website on which software has been installed to allow publishing and sharing documents with EpsilonWriter, for example: http://epsilon-publi.net

To use it, you must have an account on this website (free).


The "Web |Explorer" menu option lets you access the explorer.  


In order to upload file to an EpsilonWriter website, you must be connected to this website. Connection is not required for reading files.





The connection requires you to have an account on the website. To create an account, visit the website with your browser.


"Connection / Connection to epsilon-publi" lets you connect to epsilon-publi.net

"Connection / Connection to an EpsilonWriter website" lets you connect to another EpsilonWriter website.  You will be asked to enter its URL.


When the connection succeeds, the list of workspaces for the user is displayed. A workspace is a directory on the web server.



Browsing a workspace  


The contents of a workspace can be browsed by clicking on the "Open" icon. At this point, all other rows are removed from the workspace table and the table of files and directories in the selected workspace is displayed below.


It is possible to:  

- Create a directory ("File | New directory" menu option),  

- Open a sub-directory ("Open" icon).

- Edit a file ( imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image102.png icon):  the file is loaded in EpsilonWriter,

- Display a file in the browser ( imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image103.png icon): the command is sent to the browser which displays the file or suggests to open it with an application or to save it.

- Copy to the clipboard the link to run a file in the browser (button).  


A sub-directory of a workspace is called a "location".


Going back to the list of the workspaces

This can be done by clicking on the imageReference _Manuel-EpsilonWriter-en.html/image104.png button of the workspace (in the first table) and with the "File | Location list" menu option.  


Saving a document on the website


When the connection to the website is established, it is possible to save a document with the "Web | Web save as resource" menu. The resource mode is the main mode for the web.

Using the "Web | Special Web Saving" menu, it is possible to:

- Save as test,

- Save as source. To use when the author wants to deposit sources that other authors can use.


Title of web documents  

The web documents are sorted in alphanumerical order in the index for browsers. It is recommended to start each title with a number in so that the documents will be displayed in the desired order.


Operations on files and directories


The "File" menu lets you operate on files and directories. For some operations, it is necessary to select first one element (or several) by checking the checkbox on the left.


Change the title lets you enter or edit the title of the selected directory.  It is important to give titles to directories as they are displayed on the web.


Delete lets you delete the selected files and directories.


The "index.html" file which is used for browsing in browsers is automatically updated. It is however possible to rebuild it with Rebuild the index.



Workspace and location


When the workspace table is displayed, the "Workspace and location" menu lets you operate on workspaces.


Remove from the list lets you remove the selected workspaces from the table. Nothing is deleted on the server. The workspaces will reappear at the next connection.


Duplicate in the list lets you duplicate the selected workspace in the table. There is no duplication on the server. This operation lets you have the same workspace in two different locations (sub-directories).


Workspace size lets you know the maximal and current size of a workspace and its owner.


List of readers and writers lets you see the users who can read or write on the workspace. Please, note that everybody can read on public workspaces.


Add/Remove readers/writers lets you manage the list of readers and writers



Browsing without connection  


It is possible to browse public workspaces without being connected and to read the resources.