State of the translations of EpsilonWriter and EpsilonChat
State of the translations, August 1, 2015
Language |
% Translated |
Translator |
Note |
100% |
JF Nicaud, France |
Original language |
100% |
A. Delobel, UK, then JF Nicaud, France |
Some texts need to be corrected. Write to if you want to. |
100% |
Bernat Ancochea, Spain |
94% |
Liliana Saidon, Argentina |
100% |
Marion Göbel, Germany |
45% |
Laura Maffei, Italy |
When a language is not 100% translated, texts which are not translated are replaced by texts in French or English.
To have them in English, select "Language | English built in" and then choose the desired language.
To have them in French, select "Language | Français incorporé" and select the desired language.
For texts in another language, somebody must translate. See below.
Translation of the texts of EpsilonWriter and EpsilonChat
Translate yourself the texts of EpsilonWriter and EpsilonChat
To do this, follow the instructions below.
You can keep the translation for you or make it available for all by sending it to
When you want to translate the texts of EpsilonWriter, it may be a new translation or the continuation of a translation partially done or of the update of an old translation. In the latter case, you have a file that should be located in your personal data, in the language directory of EpsilonWriter. To access the directory of your personal data epsilonwriter choose "Help | Home" then click on the arrow at the bottom, after "AppData: xxx". The language files are in the lang directory.
1. Start the EpsilonWriter application and verify that the version of the software, which is obtained with the "Help | Home" menu, is the last version which is indicated on the Website Home and on the top of this page.
2. You must use French or English as reference language (the language of the messages to be translated). Install on the local drive of your computer the file last EpsilonWriter texts in that language by loading the language (English or French) from the Web with "Language | Other language (Web)".
3. Choose "Language | Translate".
4. Select the reference language (French or English).
5. Choose "Translation | New translation".
6. Provide in the right column, the basic information of your language, that is to say, the values of lang (iso language code of 2 letters), language (name of the language expressed in that language, Español for example) and langue_latin (the same name expressed with Latin letters without accents, such as Espanol).
7. Save by choosing "Translate | Save translation"
EpsilonWriter builds a filename of the form: xx_yyyy_my_own_epsilon_text.txt where xx is the lang value (iso language code of 2 letters) and yyyy the langue_latin value (the same name expressed with Latin letters). "my_own" means that it is your personal translation.
This file is placed in your personal data and on the desktop.
8. Provide in the right column the translations of the texts of column 4. Save your work every 10 minutes with "Translation | Save translation".
9. When you want to stop, whether or not finished, save and close with "CLOSE | Close." You can continue translating another day.
1. Start the EpsilonWriter application and verify that the version of the software, which is obtained with the "Help | Home" menu, is the last version which is indicated on the Website Home and on the top of this page.
2. You must use French or English as the reference language (the language of the messages to be translated). Install on the local drive of your computer the file last EpsilonWriter texts in that language by loading the language (English or French) from the Web with "Language | Other language (Web)".
3. Choose "Language | Translate".
4. Select the reference language (French or English).
5. Choose "Translation | Load translation".
6. Select the file you want to continue the translation. This is usually a file whose name contains "my_own" and/or your name..
The remaining texts to be treated are indicated by *** in column 5. There are texts to be translated, but also texts that have been modified to adjust the translation.
There are sometimes already well translated texts.
When you fill or change the translation, column 5 shows ---.
When there is *** column 5 with good value in the right column, make a false change in the right column (e.g. type a and then delete) to replaced *** with ---.
7. Provide in the right column translations of texts being in column 4. Save your work every 5 minutes with "Translation | Save translation".
The "Translation | Search" menu allows searching in the table (original texts, translated texts, etc.). It allows in particular searching *** to directly access the texts to treat.
8. Save your work every 10 minutes with "Translation | Save translation". If the name of the file contains "my_own" and the fields lang and langue_latin are not modified, the name of the file is not changed. Othervise, "my_own" is added to the name.
9. When you want to stop, whether or not finished, save and close with "CLOSE | Close." You can continue translating another day.
To use your translation, load the file you produced xx_xxxx_my_own_epsilon_text.txt with "Language | Other languages (File)".
To access the language files of your personal space, you have to choose "Help | Home" and click the right arrow bottom located after AppData, for example:
![]() |
This directory contains a "lang" directory that contains the language files.
When you have finished your translation, you can change the file name by replacing "my_own" with your name, example:
In this case, when you will change this file with "Continuation of a translation" EpsilonWriter produces a file fr_francais_nicaud_my_own_epsilon_text.txt
You can send the file containing your translation to other people. These will need to place this file in the epsilonwriter/lang directory of their personal space.
The file has been copied on the desktop in order to facilitate distribution. You can delete the file copied on the desktop if/when you don't need it..
If you want to broadcast your translation to all users of EpsilonWriter, send your file to
It is strongly recommended to keep "my_own" and/or your name in the name of the translation file that you produce so there is no problem with other files.
When loading a language file, it is automatically replaced with the website file if there is a file with the same name on the web and if that file is newer. This is one of the reasons the saved file after translation has a different name.
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The Aristod company, which developed these tools, ceased its activities in April 2019, due to the very low interest that these tools have generated.
Jean-Francois Nicaud, the main author of these tools, keeps them available to users on this website for a few years.
Contact: jeanfrancois dot nicaud at laposte dot net